Sử dụng Live USB Creator để cài đặt Fedora

Thứ bảy - 03/05/2014 18:59

liveusb creator logo

liveusb creator logo
Fedora cho phép bạn dễ dàng tạo một USB khởi động với công cụ Live USB Creator. Bạn có thể sử dụng một cài đặt Fedora đang có hay bất cứ phân phối Linux nào để chạy công cụ. Ngoài ra thậm chí còn có một ứng dụng Windows cho phép tạo USB khởi động cho Fedora.

Để bắt đầu, cài đặt gói phần mềm liveusb-creator trên Fedora:

sudo yum install liveusb-creator

hoặc download bộ cài đặt của Windows.

Windows installer: liveusb-creator-3.12.0-setup.exe (13M)

Khi đã cài đặt xong, thực thi công cụ liveusb-creator (nó phải được khởi chạy tại root, trong Linux, Quyền Adminstrator trên windows):


Tải Fedora 20 từ các nguồn sau

Nếu ở Việt Nam bạn nên chọn 1 trong 2 nguồn ở để download nhanh.

Sử dụng LiveUSB Creator

- Cắm cái USB vào máy, nên có tối thiều 2GB.

- Chạy phần mềm LiveUSB Creator

- Chọn Browse dẫn tới file ISO Fedora được tải về trong phần trước

- Kiểm tra phần Target Device xem đã chọn đúng USB chưa

- Phần Persistant Storage cứ để nguyên giá trị 0MB

- Cuối cùng nhấn vào nút Create Live USB và chờ tiến trình hoàn tất 100%


Các lưu ý khi cài đặt


- Những máy laptop mới mua các bạn cũng có thể xóa trắng cái ổ cứng và cài lại Windows với boot mode Legacy thay vì sử dụng UEFI và cài .

- Nếu máy không có Legacy-MBR, mà buộc phải sử dụng UEFI, bạn cần cài Fedora từ USB hoặc DVD không sử dụng UEFI (Nếu dử dụng UEFI để boot nhiều khả năng fedora không phân  vùng ổ cứng được). Bản thân tôi đã phải loai hoay rất lâu mới cài vào cái Laptop của mình do chế độ này, sau cùng phải dùng DVD để cài đặt.


Hướng dẫn cài đặt Fedora 20

Tham khảo bài viết tiếng anh tại: http://jadelinux.com/tutorial/installfedora20.html

Hit "Enter" to start the install.

When Fedora is fully loaded in to memory you will see an option to Try Fedora or Install to Hard Drive because we are going to install this in a Virtualbox Click on "Install to Hard Drive"

Now Select your language that is most suited to you. In this case I am using English (Ireland) As I live in Ireland I want my locals and Currency to match. Then click Continue.

You are now presented with Installation Summery otherwise none as (Anaconda) Its here we select hard drive destination and set your hostname, add additional software. Click on Time & Date.

If you are connected to the internet correctly your Time, Date and Region will automatically be selected. If this is not the case manually select you region and city. When you are happy with you selection click Done.

This will bring you back to Installation Summery (Anaconda) Now Click in Keyboard.

It's in this section we can add additional keyboards or change the layout of your current keyboard. For the purpose of this tutorial I am going to leave it at default. Once you have made your selection Click Done.

Now we are back at the Installation Summery (Anaconda) please click on Instillation Destination.

OK In this section we are going to tell Anaconda where we want to install Fedora.

OPTIONS: If you click on "Full disk summery and options" You are presented with a SELECTED DISKS Window. In this window you have to options to change your Boot Device. For this install we are going to use the default. Click close then click Done.

OPTIONS: If you click on continue you will be presented with options to configure the partition scheme. For this install we are going to use the default scheme of LVM. Click continue then click Done.

Now we are back at the Installation Summery (Anaconda) Click on Network Configuration.

It's here we set your hostname. Enter a hostname of your choosing. Then click Done.

You are now back at the Anaconda Installation summery window. Click Begin Installation to start your install.

At this point your Hard Drive is being partitioned and Fedora is being installed. In this window you must install a root password and also create a new user. Click on root icon to install a root password.

Select a password of your choosing then click on Done. NOTE: If you use a week password like all lower case with no numbers or upper case character Anaconda will warn you. If you are happy with using lower case then click done again.

Now we need to crate a new user. Fill out the form making sure to check "Make this user administrator"

Click on Advanced button and this will load ADVANCED USER CONFIGURATION it's here we can add your account to other groups or change home directory. Click on save changes to continue.

Now click on done. Again If you use a week password like all lower case with no numbers or upper case characters Anaconda will warn you. If you are happy with using lower case then click done again.

Now Fedora is being installed to your Computer/VirtualBox.

Now Click on Quit and reboot the Computer/Virtualbox.

That's it you have installed Fedora Linux. Click on your user name and log in.

Select your system default system language. Then click Next.

Click next again.

At this point of the set up you are promoted to add an online account like Google+ or Facebook. If you have any of these accounts and you do not wish to set them up just click next.

Now click on Start using Fedora

Now you are on the your desktop. The next thing we should do is make sure you are running the latest software. So now we will perform a full system update.

Hit your "Super Key" this will be the key with the Windows Logo on it.

Then search for your terminal.

In order to become the root you must use the "SU" command. SU stands for Select User. So type su in the terminal and hit enter. Then you are asked to type a password. This is the password you would of set up during the install process.

You will notice the terminal has changed from [james@JadeLinux ~]$ to [root@JadeLinux jhealy]# you are now ROOT.

To perform a full system upgrade run “yum update” command. This will download all the repositories available to your system.

Once the REPO List has been download there will be a list of packages to download and upgrade also a total of what's to be downloaded. When presented type Y and hit enter. The packages will download and install.

When the proses is finished you will see Complete! and a summery of what was installed and upgraded.

Congratulations that's it you have installed and configured Fedora Linux. Enjoy your new system and I hope you have lots of fun!

Tổng số điểm của bài viết là: 5 trong 1 đánh giá

Xếp hạng: 5 - 1 phiếu bầu
Click để đánh giá bài viết

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Cộng đồng Fedora Việt Nam

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