OpenStack and Fedora

Thứ ba - 17/04/2012 01:05

OpenStack is a widely supported, open source suite of components for provisioning public and private IaaS cloud platforms.  The latest release, Essex, is available for both Fedora 16 (as a preview) and Fedora 17. With OpenStack and Fedora, you'll find:

  • Nova: A service to manage virtual machines, including stopping, starting, and live migration.  Fedora support for libguestfs increases the variety of virtual machineimage formats you can manipulate.

  • Glance: A virtual machine image registration service, providing a REST interface to image caching and tretrieval.

  • Swift: An object storage service akin to Amazon's S3 service.

  • Quantum: A virtual networking service with a REST interface and pluggable back-ends. The Essex release supports Open vSwitch, Linux bridging, and a variety of virtual networking controller technologies.

Additional features:

  •      An included dashboard self-service and administration UI

  •      Open vSwitch available for use by Quantum (this line may be redundant with above?)

  •      Simplified dependencies with Qpid as the messaging transport

  •      Upstream-supported libguestfs integration

  •      Optimized handling of VM images to minimize time and disk space used

  •      KVM support for booting from ISOs and better control over disk images

  •      Separate admin and volume APIs in Nova

  •      Optimized image transfer and progress info with Glance


Additional details about using OpenStack with Fedora:

Learn more about Fedora:

Get involved with the Fedora Cloud Special Interest Group:


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