Election Results for Fedora Board, FAmSCo, and FESCo seats

Thứ bảy - 09/06/2012 01:19
Greetings, patient friends:

The elections for the Fedora Board, Fedora Engineering Steering Committee (FESCo), and Fedora Ambassadors Steering Committee (FAmSCo) have concluded, and the results are shown below.

Apparently, we like to keep things interesting around here; the improbable situation of having a tie for a seat has occurred. Read on for details!

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FESCo is electing 5 seats this cycle. A total of 236 ballots were cast, meaning a candidate could accumulate up to 1,888 votes (236 * 8). The results for the FESCo elections are as follows:

# votes | name
1319 | Kevin Fenzi (FAS: kevin, IRC: nirik)
1208 | Bill Nottingham (FAS: notting, IRC: notting)
1028 | Tomáš Mráz (FAS: tmraz, IRC: t8m)
901 | Peter Jones (FAS: pjones, IRC: pjones)
890 | Josh Boyer (FAS: jwboyer, IRC: jwb)
844 | Stephen Gallagher (FAS: sgallagh, IRC: sgallagh)
474 | John Dulaney (FAS:jdulaney, IRC: j_dulaney)
350 | Keiran Smith (FAS:affix, IRC:affix)

Therefore, Kevin Fenzi, Bill Nottingham, Tomáš Mráz, Peter Jones, and Josh Boyer are each elected to FESCo for a full two-release term.

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FAmSCo is electing 7 seats this cycle. As this is a special transitional election for FAmSCo, all seven seats are open for election. The four candidates receiving the most votes will be seated for two release cycles and the next three candidates by vote count will be seated for one release cycle. As those terms expire, future elections will be held each release to fill the open seats for two release terms. A total of 207 ballots were cast, meaning a candidate could accumulate up to 1,863 votes (207 * 9).

# votes | name
1152 | Christoph Wickert (FAS: cwickert, IRC: cwickert)
887 | Jiri Eischmann (FAS: eischmann, IRC: sesivany)
796 | Clint Savage (FAS: herlo, IRC: herlo)
576 | Nick Bebout (FAS: nb, IRC: nb)
553 | Alejandro Perez (FAS: aeperezt, IRC: aeperezt)
543 | Daniel Bruno (FAS: dbruno, IRC: danielbruno)
512 | Buddhika Chandradeepa Kurera (FAS: bckurera, IRC: bckurera)
470 | Truong Anh Tuan (FAS: tuanta, IRC: tuanta)
340 | Arif Tri Waluyo (FAS: arifiauo, IRC: arifiauo)

Therefore, Christoph Wickert, Jiri Eischmann, Clint Savage, and Nick Bebout are each elected to FAmSCo for a two-release term; Alejandro Perez, Daniel Bruno, and Buddhika Chandradeepa Kurera are each elected to FAmSCo for a one-release term.

* * *

The Fedora Board is electing 3 seats this cycle. A total of 199 ballots were cast, meaning a candidate could accumulate up to 796 votes (199 * 4).

# votes | name
534 | Peter Robinson (FAS: pbrobinson, IRC: pbrobinson)
505 | Eric Christensen (FAS: sparks, IRC: sparks)
358 | Nick Bebout (FAS: nb, IRC: nb)
358 | Robert 'Bob' Jensen (FAS:bjensen, IRC: EvilBob)

Therefore: Peter Robinson and Eric Christensen are elected to the Board for a full two-release term.

Additionally: Nick Bebout and Robert 'Bob' Jensen have tied for the remaining seat; a runoff election will be held to determine the remaining seat, beginning Tuesday, June 12, and ending Tuesday, June 19.

* * *

Congratulations to the winning candidates, and a hearty thank-you to all nominees for running and participating in this elections cycle.


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